The baidarka is on the left with its new coat of gray latex house paint. I store my boats outside so the most critical job of the paint is to keep the UV rays from degrading the nylon skin. Opaque paint does a good job of that and more cheaply than exterior varnish. Thats my King Islander to the right of the baidarka.
The only drawback of the old baidarka is its narrow width and fairly deep hull which makes it a challenge to keep upright. Its actually not that bad once you get used to it, but its not a boat that you can just sit in and relax. When youre not moving, you need to brace or have the paddle out as an outrigger.
So, enter a wider version of the Atka iqyax^. The idea behind this boat is sufficient width to allow lounging without constant bracing but not enough width to make it slow, a boat suited for longer stays on the water, like a bay crossing, about a one hour affair.

Inside view of the hull. Good width and flat rib profile to make the boat stable.

And an outside view of the hull with the stringers temporarily taped and lashed in place. Also note the open jawed bow, a configuration I have been playing with, mostly because this configuration makes it easier to align the keelson with the bow assembly.

Also the upturned nose of the other bow configuration is more prone to breaking because the grain runs across the upturned part instead of in line with it.
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